About the game

About the Game

PUBGe is a technical & fun based event inspired from the online battle royal game “Player Unknown Battle Grounds” (PUBG). Many elements of the event are relatable to the actual game. One of the major differences between the event and game is that besides being fun the event also focuses on the technical, informative and competitive part.

Rules of the Game

The game is played among 25-30 teams consisting of 4 players in each team. Among 4 players in the team 1 would be non-playing characters (NPC) and 3 would be in-game players. The NPC would not be allowed to leave the main room and he/she will communicate the situations happening in the main room (control room) with the other players of the team such as which player has been killed and inactive for the time being and the time when the quizzes is being held with the allotted room and also announces that the air drop has been dropped. The 3 players will have one of the major roles of collecting weapons and ammunition and eliminate the competition by killing opponent players using weapons and ammo. The players will have to find weapons with a series of events including treasure hunt, riddles, quizzes and air drops. The team remaining at the end is the winner.

Rules of the Game